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11 September 2020 6:22:32 PM
Top 5 Vitamins For Energy
Back from holiday and already in need of another break?In order to produce energy our body needs essential nutrients from its main fuel – the food we eat!B vitamins are involved in energy production, helping nutrients being converted into energy at a cellular level. B vitamins are water soluble, meaning our body has little reserves and they need to be introduced regularly from our food. Low levels of those vitamins can hinder energy production and slow us downMake sure to include foods which are sources B vitamins for a positive impact on overall health and energy levels. *B1 (Thiamine)Crucial in carbohydrate metabolism, is used in the cells for energy production from carbs – the body preferred fuel. Is also needed for impulse conduction in the nervous system.Be aware that alcohol intake inhibits the absorption of vitamin B1, so make sure to up your intake if drinking. Food sour... 
11 September 2020 6:22:32 PM
The Gut-Skin Axis
Many would have heard about the gut-brain axis, meaning how the gut microbiota can impact our neurotransmitters production and mental health.This is not the only existing axis, there is also the gut-skin axis, meaning how our gut microbiota can impact our skin health. In my practice I work with many eczema patients and find many times that the root cause of the problems stems from the gut. Eczema can be present since infancy, alongside other conditions such as allergies and asthma. The common denominator is an autoimmune imbalance, where the immune system overreacts to certain stimuli when it shouldn’t. The gut is heavily involved in modulating our immune response, especially via the microbiome which is the ecosystem of bacteria, fungi and viruses living in our gut. The microbiome is unique to each individual, almost like a fingerprint, but this can... 

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